The Coldest Winter Ever

It is currently -12 degrees with a windchill factor of -38 degrees. This is by far the coldest day of my life. I have not been outside and do not intend to go out. If anyone does not believe in climate change as a result of global warming, here is your proof. This is not normal weather, and I suspect we might have more of these this year.

This is probably an even bigger shock for Chicagoans considering last year’s mild winter and very hot summer. To go from extreme heat to extreme cold is difficult. It is also made worse by Chicago’s lack of true seasons. We have spring and fall for about two weeks a piece, and then it is either hot or cold. To rub more salt in the wound, last Tuesday it was almost 50 degrees outside.

About half the country in caught in this cold blitz. For any readers affected by it: please stay inside and stay warm. Do not go outside unless you absolutely have it to. Today is the day to use a sick day. It is cold enough that you can get frostbite in less than ten minutes. Do not mess around with this kind of weather.