Girls walk out on Clementine Ford after she refused to answer boys’ questions

Back in May, I wrote about an incident at an Australian school where feminist blogger Clementine Ford spoke. The school invited Ford to speak about women’s issues, and several boys in the audience challenged her views. Rather than address the boys’ questions, Ford left and later took to Twitter to bash the boys.This prompted a response from the school, which inexplicably took Ford’s side in attacking their male students.

New information, however, reveals that the situation was much worse for Ford than initially reported: Continue reading

College rape culture and the death of due process

Christina Hoff Sommers interviewed Stuart Taylor. Taylor authored the book The Campus Rape Frenzy, which details the feminist claim of a “rape epidemic” on college campuses and their attempt to roll back due process for students accused of rape.

Taylor highlights in the interview the myriad ways in which the due process of students are violated in an attempt to peddle the feminist agenda. He highlights that these new “listen and believe” rules do not apply to male victims. A male student claiming rape have little chance of his claim being taken seriously. If the both parties are intoxicated and the male claims rape, Taylor suggests that this would be taken as a malicious counter claim and dismissed.

More worrisome is the presumption of guilt. Accused students are not afforded council, not allowed to the see the evidence against them, not allowed to cross examine witnesses, not allowed to present witnesses, and often are not informed of the complaints until the process is well underway. This forces the accused to prove their innocence, something that is a clear violation of constitutional law. Continue reading

Lake Zurich High School’s sordid history of hazing

Hazing is a practice that most people experience at some point in their life. It is usually intended as a bonding experience. Sometimes this is done in good nature, with the newcomer engaging in some silly or embarrassing practice to gain the group’s approval and admittance. Yet It often turns to more cruel activities.

Reports about hazing from fraternities to police departments to sports teams to the military show that hazing becomes a means of ritually abusing newcomers. The older and more accepted the practice, the more perverse the ritual abuse. It is quite common for hazing to take on a sexual nature, usually resulting in sexual assault.

When one thinks of these cases, one would expect to hear this coming out of university or military school. One would not expect it out of a high school. Unfortunately, this is what happened at Lake Zurich High School. Two students who played football at the school filed a lawsuit against the school district, alleging that the coaches and school officials ignored the hazing, which allegedly included forcing the boys to strip naked and sexual assault: Continue reading

MILO at Auburn University: “Feminism is Cancer for Men… and Women!”

Breitbart reporter Milo Yiannopoulos is currently engaged in his Dangerous Faggot college tour. To date, he has had one school cancel his talk, another was cancelled due to a bomb threat, and one was also sidelined as the college attempted to overcharge for security. Nevertheless, the tour continues.

Milo’s talks have been hit or miss. He is certainly playing to a crowd and being the provocateur. It is difficult at times to parse what he actually thinks verses what he says for the lols. It is clear there is a trolling aspect to his tour, and it may be that his supporters are among those being trolled.

That said, when Milo’s talk work, they work well. I thought he did a good job of breaking down the current issues with modern feminism on college campuses. He does go for a number of low blows, some of them unfair, although still funny. Overall, I think it is important for people to understand the impact modern feminism has on college students and the environment, particularly when it comes to the way the schools operate. Continue reading

Bulletin Board v297

Elementary School Teacher Killed in Apparent Murder-Suicide May Have Abused Multiple Kids: Reports — A Minnesota elementary school teacher and his husband, who were found dead last week in an apparent murder-suicide in Washington state, may have sexually abused multiple underage boys, according to reports. Aric Babbitt, 40, and Matthew Deyo, 36, were reportedly found dead on Lopez Island on Aug. 25, just two weeks after one of Babbitt’s former students went to police and accused him of sexual assault.

Exposed: UP’s hell prison where inmates suffer vicious torture and corruption — The crime team of India Today has unearthed a prison that has turned into a vicious hub of third-degree torture, abuse and corruption. Here, an inmate is pinned down on the ground, with his feet up and locked in bamboo sticks by fellow prisoners. Unbearable screams pierce through the large hall as a deputy jailer unleashes a flurry of club blows on his bare soles.

Family of malnourished boy found dead in Echo Park closet had been reported to social workers six times — Days apart in 2012, two teachers contacted the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services about a young boy named Yonatan Daniel Aguilar. One reported that the boy was suffering from general neglect. Another said he had a black eye. County social workers interviewed school employees, including a soccer coach and a special education teacher. Continue reading

What Mrs. Robinson actually looks like

I had a robust discussion on another thread concerning adult women having sex with teen boys. One commenters named Terry argued that most teen boys would love to have sex with an older woman. My position is that while most boys may fantasize about this, the reality of the situation proves untenable. The boys are not prepared for the situation, particularly the way in which adults will manipulate teens to get what they want.

Terry argued while this may be true for a small number of boys, most boys are “pussy hounds” and would face no trauma from a sexual encounter with older women. A recent case shows why that is untrue:

A former educational assistant who was working at Sir Robert Borden High School in Ottawa has been sentenced to 14 months in jail for sexually exploiting a student over a two-year period.

Katherine Kitts, 46, was arrested in October 2014 after a mother found sexually explicit texts on her son’s phone and contacted police with concerns about Kitts’s relationship with him.

The offences happened between April 2012 and April 2014 while Kitts was working at Sir Robert Borden High School. She had sex with the student repeatedly throughout those years, including in Kitts’s van, parked off school property.

Kitts was initially charged with sexual assault, sexual exploitation and telecommunication with a person under 18, but after pleading guilty to sexual exploitation in March, the other two charges were stayed.

Kitt’s lawyer asked for a 90-day intermittent sentence, meaning Kitt would go to jail on the weekends or a few days during the week, followed by probation. The lawyer claimed the abuse was unusual and out of Kitt’s character. The judge did not buy it, and with good reason. Continue reading

A little discussion about modern feminism

The American Enterprise Institute posted an interview between Christina Hoff Sommers and Camille Paglia. It is a fascinating discussion about the current state of modern feminism within academia. Their conversation reminds me of the commentary in Daphne Patai and Noretta Koertge’s book Professing Feminism. They wrote the book in the late 1990s, yet twenty years later the complaints about the polarizing impact of modern feminism remain the same.

If feminists had the kind self-reflective conversation Sommers and Paglia had during the interview, I suspect more people would become feminists. Instead there appears to be an element within the modern feminist movement that latches onto the worst type of victimology, cognitive dissonance, and self-righteous selfishness. There is no self-reflection, only the arrogant “knowledge” that feminists are right because they say they are right. Continue reading